Building a better website

Pagemakers UK is an Isle of Wight website development company specialising in customised WordPress websites.

Making it easier for you ...

Our goal is to help you to realise your ambitions while minimising cost using available tools. There are literally thousands of building blocks we can leverage to avoid unnecessary cost and delay but if necessary we can build or customise these when necessary to give you unique capabilities.

Websites we have built include shopping, form driven database applications, custom contact management, training, quizzes, community engagement and photo galleries.

Our Approach

We will begin by asking you to describe your objectives for your new website - where do you want it to take your business ... Then the journey begins! The great advantage of today's website development methodology is that you don't need to decide everything before you begin - we will help you to get moving and then steer you in the desired direction.


We have been building websites since the early days and are well equipped to evaluate and deploy the latest technologies. Our aim is to avoid locking you into our services - everything we do will be aimed at leaving as much (or as little) in your hands over the long term.